Our Story
Founded in 1987

Starting Steve’s Livestock Transport
For Steve, it all started as a means to provide for his family. Back in the beginning, people wanting to truck in Manitoba had to purchase Running Rights, similar to Dairy having to buy a quota. Steve purchased his Running Rights from Charlie Cyr and chose “Steve’s Livestock Transport” as his new company name.
Moving into the Quonset – Office, Shop and Wash Bay
In 1992 there was a need for office space, a small shop, and a wash bay to service and clean the equipment. This need was filled by moving into the Quonset which still stands today in Blumenort Manitoba.

New Office Building
With a shift to hauling more hogs, there was a need to increase our washing capacity and office space. A new office was built together with a two-bay washing facility. This began the construction blitz.
Truck Parking Barn Built
A truck parking shop (presently BVT Truck and Trailer Repair in Blumenort) was built in Fall to house Owner Operator trucks.

Office Expanded
The office expanded East to fill up the full length of the wash bay.

Brandon Wash Bays Opened
Blue Water Wash opens a wash location in Brandon, Manitoba which consisted of two wash bays.

Bison View Trailers Started
Bison View Trailers, rebranded and known today as BVT Truck & Trailer Repair began in 2004. The Truck parking shop got turned into a repair shop where BVT Truck and Trailer still operates today.

Fourth Wash Bay Added in Blumenort
In 2006, a fourth wash bay was added along with two thermal assisted dry bays focusing on bio-security standards.

Dry Bays
Two thermal assisted dry bays constructed in 2006.

Brandon Blue Water Wash Expansion
Blue Water Wash Brandon expands to 7 wash bays, 2 separation pits, and a thermal assisted dry bay.

BVT Truck and Trailer Repair Expands
BVT Truck and Trailer Repair Blumenort expands to provide drive-thru servicing to our customers.

Dawson Road Transfer Purchase
Steve’s purchases Dawson Road Transfer and Big D storage in 2010 providing dry freight hauling and cross docking services.

Steve’s Livestock Transport and Funk’s Livestock Transport Merge
Steve’s Livestock and Funk’s Livestock merge. The merger provides our valued customers with a full transportation service company.

New Truck Parking Barn
Steve’s Livestock Blumenort builds a truck parking shop with the capacity to house 30 trucks.

25th Anniversary
In Fall of 2012, Steve’s Livestock celebrated 25 years in the industry with an onsite celebration with staff, industry partners and customers.

25th Anniversary
Outdoor onsite celebration.

Truck Parking Barn Fire
In January of 2014, Steve’s Livestock experienced a total loss when the truck shop caught fire.

Truck Parking Barn Rebuild
By the end of the year, Steve’s Livestock was not only able to rebuild the lost building, but also reassemble the fleet of trucks that had been destroyed in the fire.

United Driver Training Purchase
Steve’s Livestock Transport purchased UTDT (United Transportation Driver Training) in late Fall of 2014.

Red Deer Facility Completed
2015 saw the completion of a brand-new facility in Red Deer, Alberta. This new terminal, home to Blue Water Wash, BVT Truck & Trailer Repair and Steve’s Livestock Transport was constructed to continue to serve customers in Alberta. The Acme location was later closed in 2016.

Brandon Bake Bay Constructed
Brandon Blue Water Wash opens their first Bake Bay.

Hydraulic Lift Deck
Steve’s Livestock Transport partners with Wilson Trailers to invent a “Game Changing” Hydraulic Lift Deck livestock trailer. This revolutionary system will reduce animal stress and lessen risk of injury during loading and transporting.
United Driver Training Brandon
United Transportation Driver Training (UTDT) expands services and opens in Brandon, MB.

Cuppers Trailer Debut
The new Cuppers trailer, aimed at providing a better environment for livestock with its insulated walls, wall to wall moveable floors and mechanical ventilation system pulls its first load.

Heat Treatment Facility Constructed near Richer, MB
In 2020, a remotely located Heat Treatment Facility (HTF) was constructed and commissioned. Located away from any livestock related activity, this site provides a secure post heat treated trailer lot and bedding storage for any required high health transport.